Alice By Gawtbass
Singer: Gawtbass (Graham Gawthorpe)
Alice By Gawtbass
Singer: Gawtbass (Graham Gawthorpe)
Alice By Gawtbass
Singer: Gawtbass (Graham Gawthorpe)
Alice By Gawtbass
Singer: Graham Gawthorpe (Gawtbass)
Official Lyrics:
Alice, you're the sunshine after the rain
With you, I've learned to love again
You've ignited my inner fire
With you, love is more than just desire
You've ignited my aries flame
With you, love is more than just a name
Alice, you're the sunshine after the rain
With you I've learned to love again
With you love is more than just a game
She's a Taurus, so grounded and strong
With her by my side, I can't go wrong
She's my melody, My favorite song
In this perfect time, where we belong
Perfect time, Perfect Sign
Sipping on wine, feeling so divine
Taurus girl on my loves frontline
In this perfect time, everything's in line
She's my melody, my favorite song
In this perfect time, where we belong
Perfect time, Perfect Sign
Sipping on wine feeling so divine
Taurus Girl, on my loves front line
In this perfect time, everythings in line
Alice, you're the sunshine after the rain
With you I've learned to love again
You've ignited my inner fire
With you, love is more than just desire
Love is more than just desire
You've ignited my aries flame
With you, love is more than just a game
Alice, You're the sunshine after the rain
With you, I've learned to love again
She's a Taurus, so grounded and strong
With her by my side, I can't go wrong
She's my melody, My favorite song
In this perfect time, where we belong
Perfect time, Perfect Sign
She's a Taurus, so grounded and strong
With her by my side, I can't go wrong
She's my melody, My favorite song
In this perfect time, where we belong
Perfect time, Perfect Sign
Sipping on wine, feeling so divine
Taurus girl on my loves frontline
In this perfect time, everything's in line
She's my melody, my favorite song
In this perfect time, where we belong
Alice, you're the sunshine after the rain
With you I've learned to love again
You've ignited my inner fire
With you, love is more than just desire
Love is more than just desire
You've ignited my aries flame
With you, love is more than just a game
Alice, You're the sunshine afer the rain
With you, I've learned to love again
You've ignited my aries flame
With you, love is more than just a name
Alice, you're the sunshine after the rain
With you I've learned to love again
You've ignited my aries flame
You've ignited my aries flame
With you, love is more than just a name
With you, love is more than just a game
Social Media:
© Gawtbass ℗ Alice (Original Mix)
Released via Utopia of Create Music Group