Platinum (Album)
Gawtbass - Platinum (17 Track Album) Released Saturday the 27th of November, 2021. Debut Album Hits the Online Music Stores with phenomenal success and support from all over the world. This is by far the most up to date quality released by the 29 year old talented musician Graham Gawthorpe (Gawtbass)
Gawtbass - Platinum (17 Track Album) Released Saturday the 27th of November, 2021. Debut Album Hits the Online Music Stores with phenomenal success and support from all over the world. This is by far the most up to date quality released by the 29 year old talented musician Graham Gawthorpe (Gawtbass)
Gawtbass - Platinum (17 Track Album) Released Saturday the 27th of November, 2021. Debut Album Hits the Online Music Stores with phenomenal success and support from all over the world. This is by far the most up to date quality released by the 29 year old talented musician Graham Gawthorpe (Gawtbass)